Adult Presentations

SOS® Training Trusted Adults

This training educates parents and school staff about the signs and symptoms of adolescent depression and suicide so they are able to recognize and ACT® in order to help an adolescent who is struggling. The program includes content similar to the SOS ® student program but also dives deeper into the prevalence of mental health issues, high risk groups, and teaches adults how to respond confidently and with care when a child brings a concern about themselves or someone they know. By using common language from the SOS® student program, adults leave the presentation with a deeper understanding of mental health and how to help the youth they interact with most. The program can be offered to parents, faculty and staff members, and community organizations.

Trusted Adult Training: Bullying 101

This presentation will explore the causes of an individual becoming a bully, as well as the life-long effects bullying can have on the target. We will explore solutions that work to end the mistreatment of others.

Suicide Risk Assessment Training

Licensed clinicians within the Family Support program provide a comprehensive training for counselors, educators, and other professionals who are interested in learning more about risk assessment and safety planning. The training covers risk assessment utilizing the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS), access to lethal means, and creating a comprehensive safety plan. This training is a fee-for-service. Please contact Colleen Pace at 816.877.4465 for more information.

Adult presentations are usually offered for a fee for service.
To request more information about our presentations or services, fill out our request information form. 

Student Presentations

5th Grade Programs

Time to ACT®: SOS®

Students learn warning signs and symptoms of depression and suicide, ACT® (Acknowledge, Care, Tell), and have the opportunity to speak with a counselor. The interactive presentation includes a PowerPoint, video, brief screening, student response slips, and a review of mental health resources.
Time to ACT®: SOS® Signs of Suicide Middle School Program

Emotion Management

Many things happen in our lives that can trigger strong emotions. Do we know how to manage those emotions in healthy, positive ways? When life feels overwhelming it can be hard to talk about how we’re feeling and identify ways to handle those emotions in a way that makes things better instead of worse. This presentation teaches students what it means to have empathy for one another, how to manage strong, or heightened, emotions, and identifies positive ways to release stress and anxiety.

Program requirements

In order for CHADS Coalition to implement this program, the following components must be in place:

·      Submission of Scheduling Request Form

·      Availability of school counselor and/or social worker on the day of the presentation

·      Access to projector, screen, and computer (if this is not possible, please contact us asap)

Middle School Programs

Time to ACT®: SOS® Middle School

Students learn warning signs and symptoms of depression and suicide, ACT® (Acknowledge, Care, Tell), and have the opportunity to speak with a counselor. The interactive presentation includes a PowerPoint, video, brief screening, student response slips, and a review of mental health resources.
Time to Act: SOS Signs of Suicide Middle School Program

EYES® – Every Year, Every Student

EYES presentations are follow up presentations similar to SOS® with an ACT® review, discussion of this year’s topic, and a hands-on activity. Each year builds on the last as our presenters reinforce previous learning while incorporating new materials and activities specific to the grade level. All presentations incorporate a screening and response slips that are reviewed with a counselor after each presentation. EYES allows suicide prevention to be included in student learning on a yearly basis.

6th grade: Bully Free
7th grade: Peer Pressure
8th grade: Self-Injury

Bullying and Cyberbullying: Plan, Prevention, Response and Making a Difference

A student presentation that explores bullying in general. Bullying is when one person acts like they have more power over another and does whatever they can to hurt that person. This, plus other topics like 'what is cyberbullying?' and 'how can I stay safe?' are discussed.

Program requirements

In order for CHADS Coalition to implement this program, the following components must be in place:

·      Submission of Scheduling Request Form

·      Availability of school counselor and/or social worker on the day of the presentation

·      Access to projector, screen, and computer (if this is not possible, please contact us asap)

High School Programs

All programs fit into one class period (50-90 minutes) and should be hosted in a classroom setting with groups no larger than 35 students. The counselor should be present and available for the entire day of the presentations for students that ask to speak to someone out of concern for themselves or a friend. We also ask that the teacher remain in the classroom during the presentation and assist with classroom management as necessary.


Transitioning to high school can be a difficult time. The SOS® High school presentation provides a new, older perspective on mental illness as it may occur in high school students. Students review the importance of continuing the conversation though high school and the tools needed to recognize the signs and symptoms of depression and suicide and how to get help. The interactive presentation includes a PowerPoint, video, brief screening, student response slips, and a review of mental health resources.


Students learn about warning signs and risk factors for self-injury, with an emphasis on healthy coping skills and the importance of staying mentally and physically healthy. This is a chance for students to learn how to make a difference for themselves and others with the signature ACT® method that is reviewed during the presentation. The presentation also includes a screening and student-response slips.


During stressful life events, positive coping behaviors can are more important than ever. Students are introduced to what is healthy and unhealthy coping and how stress can both debilitate and motivate us as well as effective ways to manage stress and understanding when to seek further help and support from a Trusted Adult.


Transitioning from a high school student to college or entering the workforce can be incredibly challenging and stressful. The SOS Second ACT® program addresses these stressors, outlines the warning signs of depression and suicide, and identifies resources young adults can access when in need of mental health support.


In order for CHADS Coalition to implement this program, the following components must be in place:

·         Schedule presentation online

·         Availability of school counselor and/or social worker on the day of the presentation

·         Access to projector, screen, and computer (if this is not possible, please contact us asap)